The SPIERS software suite can be used to create 3D surface models from slice-based data. It is coded in C++, and employs cross-platform application framework Qt. The package comprises three applications, all of which are freely available and fully documented.

SPIERSalign - A tool to allow manual aligning (registration) of images in serial datasets (not required for CT data), and to crop data to 3D region of interest.

SPIERSedit - Software to prepare and manipulate (aligned/registered) tomographic datasets for viewing.

SPIERSview - A 3D viewer for SPIERS and VAXML datasets (meshes in stl/ply linked using an xml file – more details).

All code is available on the GitHub Palaeoware repository:
Full manuals are provided, now updated to the current version of the software. Manuals are incorporated into the installs and accessible from the About menu in the programs, but can also be viewed online at Read the Docs:
SPIERSalign manualSPIERSedit manual
SPIERSview manual
Contact details
SPIERSalign, SPIERSedit and SPIERSview are written and maintained by Mark D. Sutton (, Russell J. Garwood (, and Alan R.T. Spencer (
Bug reports and feature requests can either be submitted through GitHub, or by emailing